Cat Gets Stuck Under Car, and Woman Trying to Get Her Out is Forced to Leave the Road

Cat Gets Stuck Under Car, and Woman Trying to Get Her Out is Forced to Leave the Road
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
June 13, a Friday, on my way to a meeting, a light grey ball of fur dropped out from under the vehicle in front of me while sitting at a light. It scurried across, stopping in the middle of the road. Another car had stopped and we tried to catch the ball of fur, but it kept getting away.

It ended up under my car, in the wheel well of the front tire. The cop made me move out of the road. I prayed the kitten wouldn't jump down as I pulled into the closest parking lot.


She was still there. A nice young man helped get her out from the wheel well, and I was hooked. He even took her picture as an excuse for being late to work.

I dropped her off with a friend on the way to my meeting. In trying to put her in a box until I could come back, she jumped out and ran around the building like a greased pig. We looked like Laurel and Hardy chasing her. That’s how she ended up with her name; she was so fast, I decided to name her Speedy.
Took her to the vet, who figured her age was 8- to 10-weeks-old. She was treated for an eye infection, worms and fleas. After two weeks in quarantine while waiting for lab work, she was finally able to meet her fur brothers and sisters without seeing the cage. She became the youngest of six. Two have crossed over the rainbow bridge since her arrival. Maybe it was meant to be that she just happened to drop out in front of me. Speedy has been a welcomed addition to the family.

Story submitted by Margaret from Columbia, South Carolina.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!
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