Cat Returned to Shelter After Biting Owner, Then Finds the Accepting Family She Needs

Cat Returned to Shelter After Biting Owner, Then Finds the Accepting Family She Needs
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
My husband and I found Charlotte's picture and immediately fell in love with the five-year old cat. Once we read her story, we knew she was The One for us.

We came to the shelter with the pre-adoption paperwork filled out and our hopes set high that she was still available to us. When we said Charlotte's name with huge smiles on our faces, it seemed the volunteers collectively turned their heads to the director and suddenly became busy. The director seemed nervous and asked that we look at the other ones while she verified our information.


We looked at other cats, like she offered, but we didn't feel a connection with them. We patiently waited by the main desk until we could (finally!) see her.
"We have her in this locked room because this is her second time here and she bit her previous owner. She also scratched one of our volunteers pretty bad."
This news made me sad.

We cautiously walked into her space and let her come to us. After the 10-minute "interview", it was very apparent the three of us were going to get along extremely well. Her previous owner brought her to the no-kill shelter with all of her belongings, so we were able to take her home immediately that night.
We left her in her cage while we set up the house, then let her roam around. In the time it took to prepare dinner, she found "her spot" in the living room, where the three of us watched TV.

All she needed was a quiet home where she is the only attention seeker. Though she isn't a 'lap cat', she loves to follow us around in each room and is very content just being there with us. She has been a part of our family for nearly two years now!
Story submitted by Mary and Sean from Salem, Massachusetts.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!
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