Woman Goes to Shelter Only to Volunteer, Ends Up Bringing Home Two Kittens That Night

Woman Goes to Shelter Only to Volunteer, Ends Up Bringing Home Two Kittens That Night
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
I went with a friend to a local animal shelter to help clean and see what we could do to help. I had NO intention of adopting. I already had one spoiled rotten cat at home.

However, lo and behold, I came home that day with not one, but TWO kittens. My friend simply said, "They need you, and you need them." She was so right.


Sadly, Amanda (grey and white cat) turned out to have a severe heart defect, and she went to the Rainbow Bridge just four months after she came to live with me. I am just so glad that I was able to give her a spoiled, comfortable home during her life.

She may have weighed only 4.5 pounds, but she had more personality than most people I know, and she had no problem bossing around my 10 year old, 17-pound boy cat. I suspect that he was a bit terrified of her, and rushed to do her bidding.
Lacy (black and white cat) now rules my roost at home. She has travelled with me to four countries (on three different continents) and loves her pampered life and flaunts her pet passport with many miles on it. I sometimes have to remind her that she was found in a garbage can, and she claims to have no recollection of that at all.

My friend was completely right; they needed me, and I needed them.
Story submitted by an anonymous user from Pierre, South Dakota.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!
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